The Game Table
Rime of the Frostmaiden: the spoiler-free review
We review D&D's Rime of the Frostmaiden, taking players to Icewind Dale in a more open, flexible adventure style. But is it good? Read on!

One year on D&D Live goes online
A 1:1 show this time around, as Seamus thinks on one year since the show launched after D&D Live in 2019 and how that event has had to go online in 2020.

Interview: Alex Abrate, Level Up Dice
Seamus catches up with the founder and CEO of the best makers of gorgeous luxury gaming dice in the world: Alex Abrate from Level Up Dice.

Beyond just virtual boards to play on
We've looked at virtual board tools for online boardgaming, but what about skipping those and just getting a game running anyway you like? Just. Do. It.

Boardgames in the age of coronavirus
We're being encouraged to self isolate if we can, which is great news for many geeks. But if you can't gather around a table for a boardgames because that's a

Theros, how I mythed you
This week's show looks at Kickstarter games, card games where the theme makes it inherently fun, and the new Theros MtG crossover sourcebook for D&D!

Dungeon Mayhem: Monster Madness REVIEW
Seamus is joined by two expert Dungeon Mayhem players – his kids – to review the games new expansion, Monster Madness, its new decks and new rules.

We're back and full of boardgames
The Game Table returns for 2020! With fabulous guests Nathan Cocks (@ElPrezAU) and Luke Lancaster (@lglancaster) chatting all things boardgames.

Transformers turn 35
In a bit of a tangent, Seamus chats with Jason Murray about the state of Transformers toys these days and how things have evolved over their 35 year history.

A chat with Zac and Luke from 'I Speak Giant'
We chat to the DM and Vinnie from liveplay D&D podcast "I Speak Giant" about the show. Where it started, how it has evolved, what it's been like working

GenCon 2019 round up with our man on the scene
This week we spoke with Jaime Lawrence, Brand Manager at Good Games, who was there on the ground at GenCon 2019.

Magic the Gathering update with 7LandHand
Aaron Graham and David Wildsmith from Magic the Gathering podcast 7LandHand join the show this week to catch us up on all the latest.

The state of the boardgame scene in 2019
How's the boardgame scene been going over the past few years? We explore some of the great games out there, as well as the sites and events to keep up with all the latest.

Perkins & Manganiello at D&D Live 2019
Chris Perkins and Joe Manganiello sit down with The Game Table for a conversation at D&D Live 2019.

Enter The Game Table podtastic D&D prize draw!
Thanks to Wizards of the Coast and Good Games Australia, we're giving away the two latest D&D books plus some D&D Live 2019 tidbits as part of the

D&D's Mike Mearls & B. Dave Walters chat with The Game Table
Mike Mearls, Dungeons & Dragons Creative Director and lead developer on the 5th Edition rules, and B. Dave Walters, storyteller, writer, Dungeon Master,

Matthew Lillard, WizKids, and making cool enhancements to our tables
Matthew Lillard is best known for his acting career, but now he runs a D&D special edition workshop called Beadle & Grimm's. Along with one of the

Kate Welch & Pat Rothfuss on making characters and the easy way to be a good DM
Another D&D Live 2019 conversation for you! Today it's Kate Welch, Game Designer at Dungeons & Dragons, and Patrick Rothfuss, bestselling author.

Deborah Ann Woll and Xander Jeanneret from Relics & Rarities
Seamus chats to Deborah Ann Woll and Xander Jeanneret, two great performers from the Relics & Rarities liveplay D&D show. Deborah is the DM and

Jerry Holkins & Jeremy Crawford on Acquisitions Inc and the magic of D&D
Our new podcast emerges! Off the back of a visit to D&D Live: The Descent, we've got great conversations to share with some heavy hitters of the D&D