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Theros, how I mythed you

This week's show looks at Kickstarter games, card games where the theme makes it inherently fun, and the new Theros MtG crossover sourcebook for D&D!

Seamus Byrne
Seamus Byrne
1 min read
Theros, how I mythed you

It's an episode of mythic proportions as Nathan and Seamus dive into the news of the Mythic Odysseys of Theros campaign sourcebook for D&D, inspired by a Magic the Gathering world which was in turn inspired by Greek legends.

But first, our intrepid hosts talk about card games where the theme and style carry the day - regardless of complexity of the rules. Which leads into a discussion of Kickstarter games and how to assess the right factors to decide where you're going to put your hard earned.

All that and a thousand diversions, including some love for the classic D&D worlds we'd love to see given the 5th Edition makeover.

Find Nathan here: @ElPrezAU
Find Seamus here: @seamus

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Founder and Head of Content at Byteside.

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