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Seamus Byrne

Founder and Head of Content at Byteside. Brings two decades of experience covering tech, digital culture, and their impacts on society.


Hearthstone's Year of the Phoenix!

A big new year for Hearthstone. Unquestionably biggest yet. So The Scrapyard gets some Hearthstone specialists together to talk shop. Demon Hunters. Outland.

Hearthstone's Year of the Phoenix!

Tech Has (Some) Answers

A lot will change permanently from here – especially around this tech adoption. Platforms like Zoom will be here to stay.

Tech Has (Some) Answers
Art & Culture

Ben Lee, Blowfish Studios

Ben Lee, co-founder and Managing Director of Blowfish Studios, talks about running an indie studio and publisher on the latest High Resolution podcast.

Ben Lee, Blowfish Studios
Byteside Podcast

Staying together apart

As the coronavirus crisis worsens, tech has a massive role to play in keeping us together while we're physically isolating ourselves to avoid the virus.

Staying together apart

Boardgames in the age of coronavirus

We're being encouraged to self isolate if we can, which is great news for many geeks. But if you can't gather around a table for a boardgames because that's a

Boardgames in the age of coronavirus

The Sistine Chapel of Storytelling

We're not angry about Warcraft 3: Reforged, we're just disappointed. A deep dive on that in this week's podcast plus that blasted Corrupted Blood problem.

The Sistine Chapel of Storytelling

10 Years of WFH: My Experience

I've worked from home for about 10 out of the past 16 years of work life. There is no template for perfection, but here's some tips for how to find a system that works for you.

10 Years of WFH: My Experience
Byteside Podcast


42 years of The Hitchhiker's Guide, The Last of Us heading to TV, Dorsey fights to stay in charge of Twitter, and plenty more on this week's show!

Art & Culture

Uplink: Ellen Broad

Ellen Broad is a boardgame designer. But that's not actually why I'm talking to her for Uplink. The boardgames was something of a byproduct – her main focus

Uplink: Ellen Broad

Josh Inman: from ACL to ESL

Seamus caught up with Josh Inman, Operations Manager for ESL Australia, a few weeks ago around the AO Summer Smash event (ESL was behind the scenes on

Josh Inman: from ACL to ESL

The Bright Future Edition

Woah. Like, WOAH. It’s been a rough start to 2020. So it’s time for a special “Look At How Amazing The World Can Be” week. I actually spent more time this week stepping back from social media (because while I’ve mostly-quit Facebook I’m still an avid

The Bright Future Edition

Theros, how I mythed you

This week's show looks at Kickstarter games, card games where the theme makes it inherently fun, and the new Theros MtG crossover sourcebook for D&D!

Theros, how I mythed you

Don't let anyone pretend 8K matters

This week we discuss coronavirus (because that's mandatory right now), mobile games, classic games and the proof that 8K TV is utterly unnecessary.

Don't let anyone pretend 8K matters

The delicious Diablo quarterly update

Seamus, Zhiana and Kosta together to dig into some of the juicy details delivered by the Diablo team in the February quarterly update. So many details!

The delicious Diablo quarterly update

The Trouble With Presence

Is there a way to make more active remote presence a possibility beyond the bounds of a viral outbreak?

The Trouble With Presence

Dungeon Mayhem: Monster Madness REVIEW

Seamus is joined by two expert Dungeon Mayhem players – his kids – to review the games new expansion, Monster Madness, its new decks and new rules.

Dungeon Mayhem: Monster Madness REVIEW

Summer nights of WoW

The Scrapyard is back! Seamus and Zhiana kick things off with a catch up session on what they've been playing – which turns out to be two sides of the WoW

Summer nights of WoW

Uplink: Siobhan Reddy

Seamus speaks with Siobhan Reddy, Studio Director of Media Molecule, the makers of the classic LittleBigPlanet and the amazing new game Dreams.

Uplink: Siobhan Reddy

Such a tool

It’s been 8 years since Douglas Rushkoff wrote Program Or Be Programmed, one of the clearest discussions of the whole question of the good/bad of technology in society today. Or rather, why that’s the wrong binary to consider. Rushkoff instead explores ten ‘commands’ we need to understand

Such a tool

Inside the Fortress: behind the scenes ahead of launch

Seamus Byrne speaks to CEO Jon Satterley and Dell boss Ben Jackson to find out about Fortress just ahead of launch, and their big Alienware partnership.

Inside the Fortress: behind the scenes ahead of launch