The Scrapyard
Hearthstone's Year of the Phoenix!
A big new year for Hearthstone. Unquestionably biggest yet. So The Scrapyard gets some Hearthstone specialists together to talk shop. Demon Hunters. Outland.

The Sistine Chapel of Storytelling
We're not angry about Warcraft 3: Reforged, we're just disappointed. A deep dive on that in this week's podcast plus that blasted Corrupted Blood problem.

The delicious Diablo quarterly update
Seamus, Zhiana and Kosta together to dig into some of the juicy details delivered by the Diablo team in the February quarterly update. So many details!

Summer nights of WoW
The Scrapyard is back! Seamus and Zhiana kick things off with a catch up session on what they've been playing – which turns out to be two sides of the WoW

Whose Race Is It Anyway?
With a fresh Race To World First kicking off, we look at the controversy around Method and Red Bull falling out, wanting to see more guilds being involved, and what we hope the right way to run this all might be.

A Blizzard news catch-up: solo edition!
It's just you and your old pal Seamus, recapping and catching up on all the latest Blizzard news from recent weeks. Enjoy!

HCT Worlds recap w/ Stirling Coates from The Roar
Recapping the key moments and crazy action from the Hearthstone World Championship in Taiwan. With special guest Stirling Coates, esports writer for The Roar

Overwatch League, Contenders, Showdowns and IEM
There's a lot of Overwatch to catch up on. Contenders Season 1 finals at Intel Extreme Masters Sydney. The Pacific Showdown that follows later in May. And all

Zhiana is back to geek out about World of Warcraft
A fun chat with Zhiana, a great cosplayer and part of the Geek Bomb brigade, about all the latest developments in World of Warcraft. What have we been up to?

Inside the Hearthstone toolbox with game designers Liv Breeden and Stephen Chang
From concept to finished card, we explore some of the latest arrivals in the newest set Rise of Shadows with two of Hearthstone’s game designers, Liv Breeden

Year of the Dragon deep dive with Cam Shea from IGN
This week I popped into the IGN studio to get face to face with Cam Shea and geek out about all the latest news around Hearthstone. We dive into the Year of

Special guest Josh Corbett, WoW Classic podcaster (CountdownToClassic)
I touch on the big, bad news out of Blizzard from last week to kick things off, then the show is a feature interview about the future of revisiting the past

Bashing heads endlessly against Jaina's ice wall
Luke Lancaster, Content Manager at ReedPop (ComicCon, PAX Aus) is our awesome guest host this week, along with a Seamus having a very bad microphone day.

The Scrapyard podcast: 2019 will be a very important year for Blizzard!
We're back after the summer break (which included a literal break of a bone, so things were slower than we expected...) and this is a short and sweet catch up

Here's to the filthy casuals and the prosumers!
Another Hearthstone focused episode as Rastakhan's Rumble launches! Decks we're lusting after, experiments we're planning, and what we're hoping for from the

Hearthstone Creative Director Ben Thompson visits The Scrapyard!
Look who it is!

All things Overwatch - OWL S2, Contenders S3, OWWC, and bargains galore!
Genome is back to help dive deep into all things Overwatch, and we explore all the recent big events - Overwatch World Cup, new OWL teams (and their colour

How WoW helped my career - a personal story
A short episode while I'm travelling for work, so I'm sharing a personal tale of the role World of Warcraft played in helping me to lock down a career in tech

Blizzcon wrap featuring Lucio-Ohs and Diablo-uh-ohs!
It's our post-Blizzcon wrap up, with a fast and loose exploration of all the big news from the show.

A milky shoey for Blizzcon brekkie?
It's a final round before Blizzcon 2018, exploring the ways you can watch the big event, and when to tune in for the Aussie esports action. Plus a last blast