YouTube has big plans to win the whole digital music industry
From the usual music and videos to live online concert ticket sales, YouTube wants to win the end to end digital music industry experience.

Twitch's DMCA mess continues with no clear end in sight
Twitch has finally provided a clear update on the DMCA situation plaguing the streaming service, but the issues continue.

K/DA's All Out EP: every song ranked!
This is your official track-by-track ranking of League of Legends virtual K-pop group K/DA's debut EP "ALL OUT".

The Winamp Skin Museum is a trip through time and bad design choices
Taking a trip through a vast library of poorly designed Winamp nostalgia sends the mind right back to a precious time for digital music.

Gorillaz latest music video takes place in GTA V, because why not
British virtual band Gorillaz "The Valley of the Pagans" music video features the sights and sounds of GTA V.

Billie Eilish upcoming livestream gig plays with an XR experience
An interesting experiment in digital concert livestreaming also feels like a fun, accessible way to catch some live music.

BIGSOUND 2020 is the latest Aussie live music event to go online
Everything from a Tom Morello keynote to DOOM composer Mick Gordon sees this year's online spin on the event looking worth a digital visit.

Google will now tell you what that song is you can't stop humming
Got a tune stuck in your head and can't remember anything about it? Now Google will let you hum for answers (try not to feel judged).

New Apple iPhone day 2020
iPhone 12, why MagSafe rules', plus we still find time on iPhone day to talk about videogames as well as electric vehicles in regional Oz.

League of Legends own K/DA releasing debut album this November
After a two year break, the virtual K-pop group will drop its first album at the end of the World Championships.

Blur's Song 2 but Mario does all the 'woohoo' work? Yes!
Ours is not to ask why this exists. Ours is to ask why it took so long for this to happen at all? Glorious stuff.

Vinyl records beat CDs for the first time since the '80s
Vinyl beats CD sales for the first time since the 1980s. Not just by a slim margin either, but an evisceration of the digital disc format.

The Commodore 64 bass keytar is even better than you could imagine
A keytar with the body of a Commodore 64? Very cute. Oh, wait... the pick up actually sends sound into the WORKING C64 to create chiptune vibes that can be

Beat Saber is the amazing virtual reality game we've sorely needed
Every digital art form has its breakthrough moments, when the right experience arrives at the right time to show us what's possible and inspires many others

Audiowood x Uncrate Barky turntable is design genius
Echoing the grooves of a vinyl record alongside the ebonised ash wood base structure, this high-end turntable design is a stunner.

Apple's iOS ARKit demo leaps into A-Ha's "Take On Me" video
As others have dubbed it, it's Augmented Reality's "A-Ha" moment.