The dark value of uninformed consent
The Australian news media bargaining code is trying to solve the wrong problem. It's a Band-aid on an ulcer.
Australia vs Facebook & Google
This week, Nic and Seamus talk about the battle over digital ad revenues and the effort to demand Facebook and Google give money to the media industry.
Can Seamus really quit Facebook?
Nic hits Seamus with a surprise grilling about his intentions to make a permanent exit from Facebook. Can he genuinely follow through on his threats? What are
Facebook and Instagram add hidden modes to help you quit them
Feeling like you're on FB and the 'gram a little too much? Would you like to check your usage - and set limits to remind yourself to do something else now and
Blocking spoilers from your Facebook feed is officially in the works
Facebook recently announced a new addition to its line up of news feed filters to help you deal with the bane of our modern digital existence - having sports,