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Cellar Door Games on 'Rogue Legacy 2' and making another roguelike hit

Nearly a decade after the original, Rogue Legacy 2 is another roguelike hit. Teddy Lee from Cellar Door Games discusses the interesting journey to the sequel.

Chris Button
Chris Button
1 min read
Cellar Door Games on 'Rogue Legacy 2' and making another roguelike hit

Rogue Legacy walked so Hades could run. Now, nearly 10 years after the original, Rogue Legacy 2 is another shining example of the highly replayable roguelike genre.

From Canadian studio Cellar Door Games, the Rogue Legacy series sees you fight through a castle, where upon death, you assume the role of the protagonist's heir. Bequeathed loot accumulated during each run, you spend gold to upgrade each subsequent character so you're a bit more powerful for the next attempt. It's a compelling loop filled with homages to classic 2D adventure games like Metroid and Castlevania.

On the latest episode of High Resolution, the Byteside videogames industry podcast, Cellar Door Games co-founder and designer Teddy Lee details the tricky path to capturing success a second time.

From finding popularity with Rogue Legacy, the commercial struggles of the studio's follow-up in Full Metal Furies, to the surprisingly emotional Early Access journey of Rogue Legacy 2, Lee explains it all.

Also, there's a little discussion about the studio's early Flash games, including Don't Shit Your Pants, a game we've all played IRL at some point in our lives.

Tune into the full chat wherever you get your podcasts, including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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Chris Button

Chris is an award-nominated writer based in Adelaide who specialises in covering video games and technology. He loves Donkey Kong Country, sport, and cats. The Last Jedi is the best one, no questions

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