Bashing heads endlessly against Jaina's ice wall
Luke Lancaster, Content Manager at ReedPop (ComicCon, PAX Aus) is our awesome guest host this week, along with a Seamus having a very bad microphone day.

Luke Lancaster, Content Manager at ReedPop (ComicCon, PAX Aus) is our awesome guest host this week, along with a Seamus having a very bad microphone day.
Dazar’alor and the amazing race to world first; Mekkatorque has a stunning mount drop; Year of the Pig is everywhere; Hakkar wants to infect you with a cardback; Heroes community esports is heating up; Starcraft vs DeepMind was not a fair fight; and Overwatch patches and OWL All-Access fun!
Find Luke via: @lglancaster on Twitter
Find Seamus via: @seamus on Twitter
Here’s some links mentioned in the show.
Method kills Jaina
Method’s Jaina kill reaction video is everything:
Mekkatorque mount drop (Farm this mount until forever please)
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