Bits: The Byteside Blog
How World of Warcraft keeps evolving its epic storytelling: Part One
Game storytelling doesn't get much more epic than the Warcraft universe. Next year the franchise turns 25 years old, and in two weeks World of Warcraft goes

World Cup 2018 VAR technology: the fan verdict
As the dust settles on the 2018 FIFA World Cup, a survey of football fans has delivered an interesting verdict on the tournament's introduction of a Video

Uber Chats: Mitch 'Uber' Leslie on life as an Overwatch commentator
I love watching any sport played at an elite level. Seeing the best of the best go head-to-head is its own reward.

Samsung just announced an unbreakable OLED screen that could change everything
Samsung just saved your phone from, well - you - in the best way possible.

This Aston Martin DB5 LEGO kit sneaks in many James Bond secrets
Bond fans, LEGO has a dazzlingly slick new kit for you. The new 1964 Aston Martin DB5 isn't just any LEGO replica.

A chat with Hearthstone's Dean Ayala & Peter Whalen about some marvellous magnetic mechs
The next big expansion for Hearthstone, The Boomsday Project, launches August 7! It's full of science and technology of the weird-fantasy kind. Just the way

Aston Martin's Autonomous Flying Car Concept Is Sleek And Sexy
In the age where companies like Terrafugia and Opener are actually building and testing flying cars, putting out a concept design and video can seem a bit

Nathan Fillion stars as Nathan Drake in a totally unauthorised Uncharted short film
Nathan Fillion as Nathan Drake. If you know both those names, you should get that it's such a good fit. And some things are just too perfect to live.

Blocking spoilers from your Facebook feed is officially in the works
Facebook recently announced a new addition to its line up of news feed filters to help you deal with the bane of our modern digital existence - having sports,

How are the Aussies finding life in the Overwatch League?
“They’re ready. You’ve got about eight minutes, sorry.”

Cheating cricketers: only one way to restore our reputation fast
Sack the team. The whole team.

Vale Stephen Hawking
"We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special."
What a February without social media feeds did to my brain
'Feed free February'. It alliterates, so it must be worth doing, right? My wife and I both decided we'd skip the random scrolling down our social feeds for

Order's early exit at IEM Katowice leaves the team with a mixed bag of feels
Order is the new esports org on the block in the Australian scene, but they bring a very different pedigree - and team financing concept - with them. After

Audiowood x Uncrate Barky turntable is design genius
Echoing the grooves of a vinyl record alongside the ebonised ash wood base structure, this high-end turntable design is a stunner.

David Byrne leads a flash choir in an amazing rendition of Bowie's "Heroes"
Simply transcendent.

Gen2 Formula E cars look incredible
And looks really do matter when it comes to showing off electric cars at the peak of their powers.

Hearthstone Ranked Ladder gets a March update!
If you've been tired of the long, slow road to the middle of the table, there's good news afoot. In a blog post - complete with Ben Brode video update -

Matt Wyble on how to train smarter to chase Hearthstone glory
Matt Wyble is one of the leaders behind the scenes of Hearthstone esports. A man who has pursued serious sport himself at the highest levels (trialling for

Hearthstone's Dean Ayala on his game design journey and the critical value of QA work
Dean Ayala. Restaurant Consultant. In that other, darker timeline, we don't have the Dean Ayala we know from the Hearthstone Game Design team. Thankfully, Ayala found his way into Blizzard, and we thought we'd explore a little of his heroic journey into game design and what