Bits: The Byteside Blog
Twitch just became the best Watch Party tool around
Even if you don't care about trying to build an audience, this is a great tool for just sharing a show and hanging out with friends.

D&D's latest rules expansion gives the race overhaul fans have been waiting for
D&D announced its latest rulebook release, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. The biggest expansion of options for the game in three years.

Byteside is evolving: come work with us!
Byteside, the miniature media empire covering tech, games and digital culture, is adding new (and paid) opportunities to join the editorial team.

Hearthstone goes back to school with Scholomance Academy expansion
The key details on the latest Hearthstone expansion: Scholomance Academy! Spellbursts, Dual Class, and a living Kel'Thuzad?