Spams, scams and monolithic weirdness
This week we cover all our bases, with technology, games and weird digital culture debates all popping up in the final show for 2020.

Why I (still) love World of Warcraft
What changes about how you feel about a game when it shifts from being something you play for the gameplay? Is that when it's truly a hobby?

Xbox Series X competition: we have a winner!
The winner of our Xbox Series X competition has been drawn! Lights. Drumroll. Envelope. And the winner is...

Subscribing just to avoid the ads
The latest Byteside podcast features COVIDSafe spying audits, YouTube trying to win the music biz, and Shay on his Warcraft love.

Fleeting fingers and free photo farewells
Tweety fleets, Apple's M1 gets tested, NSW gets digital vouchers, and we've got a great recommendation for the speed cube lovers.

The Byteside Xbox Series X giveaway! Seriously!
We've got an Xbox Series X to giveaway to our fab Byteside readers. All the entry details are waiting right here so get on it!

Enforced temptation control?
Do school kids need some help resisting the temptation of the smartphone? Do the rest of us? Plus Apple, QR codes, Netflix Direct and more.

Hearthstone: Madness at the Darkmoon Faire roundtable
Highlights from a roundtable on the latest Hearthstone expansion, featuring Game Director Ben Lee and Game Designer John McIntyre.

Apple 'M1' Macs announced, claiming 3x to 5x faster than Intel
Today we see new MacBook Air, MacBook Pro and Mac mini models with Apple's new M1 chip. And they're bonkers fast.

Xbox Series X: the launch review
The best Xbox you've seen. A new benchmark. Stunningly familiar. But if you didn't get a pre-order? It's going to be fine to wait until 2021.

Deepfaking Trump with Harry Shearer
We speak to virtual production studio Mod's Michela Ledwidge about the tech that brought Harry Shearer's Donald Trump satire to freakish life.

Overanalysing the Xbox box
This is the extended, over hyped, over dramatic, over detailed Xbox Series X unboxing you have been waiting for.

We owned a bit of Quibi too?
This week we realise we're talking about two troubled apps the Australian government owned in whole or in part: COVIDSafe and Quibi.