Los Angeles Comic Con will go ahead in December and dear God do you really want to do this?
LA Comic Con thinks it's got the right plan in place to protect attendees so they can still enjoy a real life event in 2020. Really???

For some unfathomable reason (probably money), Los Angeles Comic Con will go ahead with an in-person event running from 11-13 December in 20-bloody-20.
LA Comic Con leaders have a plan to run the convention in a "Covid Safe" manner. This includes renting out more space, spreading out activities, allowing fewer people in, having more entrances, and dividing the sessions into five-hour slots with deep cleaning in between.
“Over the past six months, we’ve been struggling with a very important question: 'Should we even ATTEMPT to have L.A. Comic Con in 2020?'" wrote general manager of Los Angeles Comic Con Chris DeMoulin.
No, Chris, the answer is no.
“Since March, we’ve been living in some version of a ‘Lockdown / Safer at Home’ world, trying hard to stay safe, hoping and praying for the health and safety of ourselves, our family, friends, neighbors and all of our fellow human beings,” he continued. “We’re wearing masks, keeping socially distant, and remaining thankful for frontline workers, hospital personnel and everyone working hard to make a difference.
“And yet, we all yearn for just a little bit of normality, to reclaim some aspects of our lives pre-COVID.”
As someone who’s been living in lockdown in Melbourne with some of the strictest conditions in the world, I get it. We wish we could do this. But of all the things, a Comic Con? I’ve been to so many cons and every time I’ve gotten ill. I basically consider it part of the experience. When budgeting for events I’ll factor in recovery time afterwards because I know that cons are disease ridden cesspools.
We are in the middle of a pandemic and I can’t believe anyone thinks cramming a hall full of nerds is anything other than a supervillain plot to eradicate us. It’s so worth missing one year of an event to make sure. Lives are literally at stake here.
Hope for the best, expect the worst. Please, don’t go to Comic Con in 2020.
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