Do we have coordinates for the first hidden Battle Star of Fortnite Season X?
There have been plenty of occasions in Fortnite’s history where hidden Battle Star have been placed in dark corners of Fortnite’s ever-changing map. The first

There have been plenty of occasions in Fortnite’s history where hidden Battle Star have been placed in dark corners of Fortnite’s ever-changing map. The first week of Season X (yes, that's Season 10) is no exception.
If you're new to the race to level and tier up, you need to complete missions and challenges. Over the course of a Fortnite season, new challenges are released, and new secrets are uncovered. And all of these award precious Battle Stars, which are the primary currency when it comes to moving your Battle Tier from 1 to 100 – unlocking all the cool skins, emotes, tools and other collectibles along the way.
So it makes sense that a lot of Fortniters, especially anyone wanting to get to Tier 100 as soon as possible, will want to know where the only hidden Battle Star known so far this season is hiding.
Once you have completed your third B.R.U.T.E mission – a limited time set of challenges that ends on August 8 – you get the B.R.U.T.E squad loading screen. At first glace, it may seem like yet another awesome looking loading screen. But then it gets even more interesting when you find out that above game character X-lord, on the right side of the loading screen, there are a set of coordinates. These read: D2, D3, E2 and E3.
What could it be? Everyone's best guess is that it reveals map coordinates, and there you will be able to find this precious prize.
The precise location of the Battle Star is directly south of the bottom left corner of The Block. Keep walking until you either see it or feel as though you’ve been walking for long enough. If that doesn't help, here's a video showing where you should go.
Notice there's nothing in the video? That's because, while we know the coordinates, so far the Battle Star has yet to appear. With just days remaining in the B.R.U.T.E challenge window... it's got to happen soon? Right?
Don’t forget – if you miss this or you get to it in time – this will certainly not be the only Battle Star treasure for you to track down and collect. It's not the first time and it won't be the last. So keep hunting those secrets!
Now, go find this bounty and reap the rewards!
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