D&D's Mike Mearls & B. Dave Walters chat with The Game Table
Mike Mearls, Dungeons & Dragons Creative Director and lead developer on the 5th Edition rules, and B. Dave Walters, storyteller, writer, Dungeon Master,

Mike Mearls, Dungeons & Dragons Creative Director and lead developer on the 5th Edition rules, and B. Dave Walters, storyteller, writer, Dungeon Master, Maze Arcana cast member, and co-host of Geek & Sundry's Ask Your Black Geek Friend, sit down with Seamus for another episode of The Game Table.
Another of our great D&D Live 2019 sessions, we explore why being geek has become perfectly acceptable in the mainstream, and what the 5th Edition rules have done so well to open the hobby up to so many new players.
Two great guys, one great chat. Let's do it.
Find Mike Mearls on Twitter: @mikemearls
Find B. Dave Walters on Twitter: @BDaveWalters
Find Seamus on Twitter: @seamus
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